When we think of smoke, we often imagine a gray cloud billowing out from the campfire, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Smoke is a complex mixture water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Smoke isn’t just annoying, it’s also unsafe to breathe.

So, what are ways to reduce smoke from a campfire? Get the answers you need here!

a very smoky fire pit

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How to Reduce Smoke From a Campfire

While some smoke will naturally occur with fire, and that’s unavoidable, luckily there are some ways to reduce it significantly.


  • Choose hardwoods like oak over softwoods like pine.
  • Only burn fully seasoned and fully dried firewood.
  • Use a teepee wood structure that allows in lots of oxygen.
  • Try a top-down fire design for less smoke.
  • Use tarps as windbreaks to keep wind away from your fire pit.
  • Get a smokeless fire pit that you can even take with you camping.
  • Forget firewood altogether and get a wood pellet or gas fire pit.

1. Choose the Right Firewood

seasoned hardwood firewood stackewd

When it comes to keeping the smoke from a campfire at bay, choosing the right firewood can make all the difference.

Burning hardwoods such as oak or maple over softwoods like pine is a surefire way to reduce smoke output.

The dense nature of hardwoods means they generate more heat, and generally speaking, the hotter the fire, the less smoke it will put out.

2. Avoid green or wet wood

One of the biggest culprits behind smoky fires is using green or wet wood. Green wood refers to freshly cut logs that haven’t had enough time to dry out properly through a process called seasoning.

Unseasoned, wet wood has a high moisture content so when burned it produces more steam, leading to an unpleasant, smoky campfire experience.

When picking out wood to burn, seasoned firewood feels lighter, sounds hollow when tapped together, and has cracks on its surface—signs that indicate it’s ready to burn.

3. Use a Teepee Campfire Design

teepee campfire design

When it comes to starting a campfire, the way you arrange your kindling and logs can help to minimize smoke.

The tried-and-true teepee method is a classic approach that maximizes airflow for efficient burning.

Put your kindling in the center of your fire pit, forming a small cone-shaped structure. Then lean larger logs against each other around the kindling, creating a teepee-like framework.

This arrangement allows oxygen to flow freely through the gaps, providing optimal air circulation for a more efficient and hotter burn.

4. Try a Top-Down Campfire Design

Another thing to experiment with is the top-down campfire method that may produce even less initial smoke.

This approach involves arranging your firewood in “reverse order,” with large logs at the bottom of your fire pit, laying parallel to each other.

Then layer smaller logs are placed on top of these larger pieces, alternating directions to create solid support without blocking airflow entirely.

Finish off with kindling on top of this stack, lighting it from the top down.

This creates a long-lasting fire in addition to possibly creating less smoke.

5. Create windbreaks

a person putting up a tarp windbreak for a smoky campfire

Sometimes the smoke blows consistently in one place and everyone can sit away from it, but sometimes it changes direction frequently, causing everyone play musical chairs to steer clear from it.

One thing that can help in these situations is to create a windbreak for your fire pit. Windbreaks act as shields, redirecting and reducing the amount of wind that reaches your fire pit.

Tarps secured with ropes and stakes set up as panels behind your campfire seating will reduce the wind reaching your fire, and reduce how much smoke is blowing in everyone’s faces.

Just be sure to do this safely, keeping them far enough back so that they aren’t a safety hazard, and also ensuring there is enough fresh air for safe breathing.

6. Get a Smokeless Fire Pit

If you love the ambiance of burning firewood but are just tired of dealing with smoke, try a smokeless fire pit.

These pits are specially designed to control the flow of oxygen in a way that cuts down smoke considerably.

They come in a range of sizes with some large enough to accommodate large gatherings, and others light enough to take along to a campsite or tailgate.

7. Choose a Different Fuel

If you are simply tired of having a smoky campfire and want to do away with smoke once and for all, try a fire pit that uses a different fuel than firewood.

Many pits you can buy can burn wood pellets which burn much hotter and cleaner than firewood and often produce very little noticeable smoke.

Or, breakup with wood altogether and try a gas fire pit that burns propane, which burns cleanly.

So go ahead and gather around that campfire with confidence! The allure of crackling flames will now be accompanied by cleaner air and clearer skies above.

Other articles you may be interested in:
Should a Fire Pit Smoke?
Should I Cover My Fire Pit?
Fire Pit Tips

Cat is a nature lover who wants to help you make the most of your family and friend time in the great outdoors by offering helpful tips about fire pits, backyard activities, and camping. Learn more about Cat here.